Ioana directed Blondi, a short film set in a decadent and morally ambiguous Bucharest hair salon in ’86. The story follows a teenage girl’s entanglement with the Romanian Securitate. Produced by Numa Film and Ioana Păun, with Andreea Oprițescu as executive producer, the film stars Ioana Flora, Bianca Temneanu, Silvana Mihai, and Cezar Grumăzescu, with Boróka Bíró as director of photography. Ioana has been in the editing phase for what feels like an eternity, and it looks like the journey may be far from over.

Letters clandestinely sent by Romanians under dictatorship to Radio Free Europe have become the creative source for video works showcased across universities in Cluj. Featuring exasperated women, rebellious teenagers, and whistle-blowing Securitate agents, these video collages are the work of Ioana with Jean-Christophe Couet in collaboration with the Cluj-based production company Numa Film.

The Breakup is rooted in the language of long-distance relationships, offering the audience a sublimation tool to process their own experiences of separation. A handful of people will watch this raw expressions of love and its evident end. Each of them will leave "marked." Producer: Andreea Oprițescu | Director: Ioana Păun | Text: Bogdan Răileanu | Set Design: Matěj Sýkora | Performers: Ana Pop, Silvana Mihai, Marta Blašková, Bianca Temneanu | Communication: Evantia Barca | Online Communication: Laura Ștefănuț | Graphics: Alice Voinea.
Touring Slovakia, Czech Republic and Romania during the fall of 2024.