CNDB, ARCUB, AFCN co-production [2018]

The performance started from encounters with survivors of Colectiv Club 2015 fire and brings together more than 30 artists and survivors, all millenials.

They discuss, in a subjective note, political, moral and emotional implication of a moment that reached deep into the social texture, fueling a unique solidarity movement but, at the same time, a complex process of self reflection.

153 seconds - this is how long the fire lasted during the night of November 30 in 2015. An industrial container, built to be sealed, is painted orange and placed at the club entrance. It bloacks the way out. Then time dilutes everyting. Anger. Discourse. Intentions.

Poetry: Svetlana Cârstean │Directed by: Ioana Paun│Set: Cătălin Rulea │ Research: Laura Ștefănuț, Smaranda Nicolau │Soundscore: Sillyconductor │ Special composition: Diana Miron │Movement: Andreea David │Performers: Irina Artenii, Andrei Cătălin, Claudia Chiraș, Sorin Dobrin, Tiberiu Enache, Lorena Luchian, Alice Mihalache, Denisse Moise, Cristina Negucioiu, Ana Maria Pop, Ingrid Robu, Adina Răducan, Irina Sibef, Amelia Stuparu, Teodora Tudose, Octavian Voina │Production: Biatrice Cozmolici │Communication: Evantia Barca│Voice container: Bogdan Dumitrache │ Text epilogue: colective creation │

Thanks: Tedy Ursuleanu, Diana Luana Frazzei, Mihai Grecea, Irina Paraschivoiu, Mircea Becherescu, Ema Bărăscu, Cristian Matei Mumu, Mircea Nicolae, Gabriela Mateescu, Laurențiu Coțac, Marina Oprea, Lucia Mărneanu, Alex Maxim, Razvan Leucea, Maria Drăghici, Petruț Călinescu

Autumn Tour: National Theatre Craiova, International Festival for Youth Audiences Iasi - FITPTI, Teatrul Andrei Muresanu Sfantu Gheorghe, CNDB, Teatrul de Vest Resita.
Apollo 111
May: International New Theatre Festival Arad
Premiere: 27, 28 October 2018
2018: National Dance Center


Fără răspuns. „153 de secunde”, regia Ioana Păun │ REVISTA CULTURA
O radiografie colectivă. 153 de secunde │ REVISTA CULTURA

Cine a omorât pisica? │ ZIARUL DE IASI
The Best and Worst of Art in Central Europe in 2019 / Ioana Păun takes political theater to new heights │ BLOK
153 de secunde (regia Ioana Păun): Asta-i povestea lor │ ALECART
153 Seconds, a documentary of contemporary tragedy │ LE CERCLE DES CRITIQUES DE LA CAPITALE
Ioana Păun: „Colectiv a fost un punct de schimbare. Suntem pe cont propriu. │ ZIARUL METROPOLIS