Museum of Contemporary art [2016]

White Horse is an effort to draw a lucid eye on our recent past in Romania, aimed to dissect the mechanisms of radicalization. Who are the Architects of Morality and how do they shape contemporary conscience?

In 2016 a zealous TV journalist humiliates those taking part in a historical court case - the State versus Ioan Ficior. In 1960, Ioan Ficior, a zealous young communist, runs a prison where 100 people die due to mistreatment. In 1944 a zealous teenage Hungarian baron kills a peasant in front of the man’s younger brother, Ioan Ficior. Performed all the way to exhaustion by Ilinca Manolache, supported by live music mixed with the stunning voice of experimental musician Diana Miron and a water tank filled with fish.

The show premiered in 2016 and has, since, been part of various human rights platforms such as One World Romania and Comuna Unversitară.

White Horse is produced in the larger frame of „Torturer - A pact for collective responsibility” with the finance support from Romanian National Cultural Found - AFCN. Partners: Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest, Active Watch, Apador-CH, Miltia Spirituală, Teatrul Replika.

A theatre performance by Ioana PĂUN│With Ilinca MANOLACHE│Sound and live music Diana MIRON│Dramaturgy/text Smaranda NICOLAU│Investigation Laura ȘTEFANUȚ


National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest
REPLIKA Theatre (Winter 2016, Spring 2017, Autumn 2017)
One World Romania
IETM Meetings
Temps D'Images Cluj
National Theatre Iasi
National Theatre Craiova
Pledez pentru tineri Festival - Piatra Neamt Theatre
University Commune Bucharest

Perspectivism – The elusive White Horse │ REVISTA ARTA
Cu ura pe ură călcînd│OBSERVATORUL CULTURAL

Tu ce ai fi făcut? │ DILEMA VECHE

O istorie a urii: despre tortură, pe ritm de pop și hip hop│SCENA9

Ce și cum urâm în 2016?│B-CRITIC
Calul Alb, o piesă de teatru care te face să urăști ura │ NOIZZ
Crimele Calului Alb │ hotnews.ro


white horse